Foundation of Aktobe Rail and Section Works LLP, which was to cover the state’s need for high-quality rails, was laid in 2013. Сonstruction project truly became nationwide. Specialists from almost all regions of the country, as well as from near and far abroad, were involved in construction of ARBZ LLP.
On June 06, 2016, Aktobe Rail and Section Works LLP – unique enterprise for production of differentially thermo-hardened railway rails of high quality and rolled sections (H–beams, angles, channels, mine racks) – was put into operation.
“Today ARBZ is a one of a kind large industrial complex specializing in manufacture of products of strategic importance – high-quality differentially thermo-hardened and non- thermo-hardened railway rails and wide range of rolled sections.
Claim to fame of ARBZ LLP is long rails of category DT350. Namely, differentially thermo-hardened rails R65 of categories DT350
Strategic aim of the Enterprise is to produce high-quality, competitive products to meet demands and requirements of consumers in compliance with requirements governing the activities of metallurgical enterprises in the field of quality of produced products, environment, occupational safety and health.
In October 2023, the Aktobe Rail and Section Works LLP reached a historic mark- since the launch of the plant, 1 million tons of rail products have been produced, which is approximately 8,000 km of railway tracks.

Sales geography
rrently products of ARBZ LLP are successfully used in construction of upper structures railway tracks by railway administrations and industrial companies. Apart from the internal market ARBZ LLP products are in a high demand in Russia, Uzbekistan, Belarus, Kyrgyzstan, Ukraine, Georgia, Turkmenistan, Azerbaijan, Latvia, Estonia and other countries.
Rails of ARBZ LLP are used in construction of the largest infrastructural project on the territory of the Republic of Kazakhstan – construction of the second railway tracks on Dostyk-Moiynty area. The project is implemented within the framework of National Project “Strong Regions – Driver of Country’s Development” and plays an important economic role in the development of country’s transit and transport potential. Construction was launched in November,2022.
Total length of railway tracks on the allocated area will be 836 kilometers.