Оfficial event started with a congratulatory speech of the General Director of ARBZ LLP Evgeniy Alexandrovich Nesterenko and the Chairman of the Trade Union Committee – Akniyet Nagiyevich Aldanazarov. They congratulated the Enterprise’s employees with the holiday and presented Letters of thanks and personalized statuettes to employees for their contribution to the consolidation and development…
The annual award “ERG Supplier Award” was held in Astana. Awards from the international industrial group were given to 25 Kazakhstani and foreign manufacturers of industrial equipment, as well as service providers.Aktobe Rail and Section Works LLP was awarded in the nomination “Best Supplier” in the category “Rail and Section Products”
On October 10, 2019 Trade Unions Day was officially celebrated in our country for the first time ever. On the eve of the holiday “Day of Trade Unions of Kazakhstan” it was held a special event, organized by the Aktobe regional Territorial Trade Union Center. The head of the region Yeraly Tugzhanov attended the event…
In September 2022, the world’s largest exhibition of transport technologies «InnoTrans 2022» was held in Berlin in the Federal Republic of Germany, on the territory of Berlin Expo Center City (Messe Berlin), divided into five exhibition segments «Railway Technologies», «Railway Infrastructure», «Public Transport», «Interiors» and «Construction of tunnels», occupies all 42 halls of the Berlin…
From 04 to 07 July, 2022 ARBZ LLP took part in the 12th International Industrial Trade Fair INNOPROM 2022 in Ekaterinburg, dedicated to the topic: “Industrial Transition: from Challenges to new Opportunities”. INNOPROM 2022 is one of the largest industrialization exhibitions held in Russia. This year Kazakhstan acted as a partner country of the event,…
Ural Steel (is a part of a single vertically integrated holding with the Zagorsky Pipe Plant) held a coordination council with the participation of customers, representatives of scientific-research and design organizations in the field of bridge construction, manufacturers of metal structures. The event was attended by representatives of the “Ural Steel” management company, the Zagorsky…
On December 16, 2021, the Republic of Kazakhstan celebrated 30 years of independence. In honor of this holiday, management of ARBZ LLP together with the trade union committee organized a solemn event for employees of the enterprise. Festive event began with congratulatory speech by the General Director – Obilets Valeriy Valentinovich. Congratulating all employees, Valeriy…
It should be noted that after watching award ceremony of laureates online, the regional akim Ondasyn Urazalin presented letters of thanks to the heads of number of Aktobe enterprises actively participating in “Paryz” and “Altyn Sapa” competitions. In particular, Aktobe Rail and Section Works LLP and Sagiz Petroleum Company LLP were awarded for active participation…
From November 11 to 13, 2021, one of the most significant and large–scale events in the metallurgical industry – the 27th International Industrial Exhibition “Metal-Expo 2021” took place in the capital of Russia, Moscow on the territory of the Central Exhibition Complex EXPOCENTRE. Despite the restrictions imposed due to COVID-19 as well as the requirements…
The 10th meeting of Ministers of Economy of the Cooperation Council of the Turkic-Speaking States (CCTS) had been held in Baku on 10th of September. The event was participated by Deputy Prime-Minister – Minister of Investment and Foreign Trade of the Republic of Uzbekistan S.Umurzakov, the Minister of Trade of the Republic of Turkey M.Mush,…