“Increase of local content shall be the most priority goal
for the Government”
N.A.Nazarbayev President of the Republic of Kazakhstan.
On February 11, 2015 in order to support the national economy of the Republic of Kazakhstan the President N.Nazarbayev proposed to start the nation-wide action “Made in Kazakhstan” for supporting the domestic production, which goal is to increase the confidence of Kazakhstan citizens in domestic goods, work and services, increase the number of manufactured goods and their popularization among the population.
The Union of Legal Entities Association of Producers and Entrepreneurs “Made in Kazakhstan” was created for realization of these goals.
In order to increase the recognition of domestic brands, the logo “Made in Kazakhstan” was created with intention to identify goods produced in the Republic of Kazakhstan.
The members of the Union are exclusively domestic manufacturers of goods, works and services that will use the collective trademark in accordance with the requirements for the general characteristics of the manufactured products set by the Charter of the collective trademark “Made in Kazakhstan”.
On March 15, 2018 Aktobe Rail and Section Works LLP was admitted to the Union of Legal Entities Association of Producers and Entrepreneurs “Made in Kazakhstan”, which gives the right to use the collective trademark “Made in Kazakhstan” within the framework of the company’s activity.