ARBZ LLP is deemed to be an integrated part of railway transport field of the Republic of Kazakhstan.
On the crusp of the professional holiday of all railway workers, we interviewed Mr. Sultanbek Toshkenbai, who is an Employee of a partner company with a huge experience in the field of railway transport. Currently he is Deputy Director of the Western Management Zhol Zhongshuyushi company which changed its name for Integra Construction KZ LLP in 2017 by the shareholder’s decision..
How do you assess the development of railway transport in the Republic of Kazakhstan?:
«If you look at the map of our country, you can see that the whole territory of Kazakhstan is permeated with the threads of the railway lines, and it is not surprising – 94% of passenger traffic falls within the railway. Previously, the rails were imported from various metallurgical plants, mainly rails were supplied from Russia and Ukraine. After the collapse of the Soviet Union and independence, the supply of rails from abroad so far created great obstacles in the form of various duties, additional expenses and taxes and time for issuing various additional documents. The construction of the plant in Kazakhstan freed us from these and other additional problems. The rhythm of life is accelerating, and we are trying to save time that we spend on the road, we choose the shortest routes, the fastest trains and the safest way of transportation, but due to wear of the railway tracks, both the freight and passenger trains go out of tracks, the reliability of transportation depends directly on the state of the railway track and on the quality of the rails»..
Please tell us about your company’s activities:
«Our company is the largest enterprise in the Republic of Kazakhstan engaged in the construction, reconstruction and all types of repair of the track bed structure, main, industrial and access railways, the first private constructor of railway tracks in the history of independent Kazakhstan. The company has a full complex of modern construction machinery and equipment, a certified construction laboratory, a crushed stone plant, a team of professionals and a reliable satellite – Aktobe Rail and Section Works».
Please tell us about your professional way in this field:
«In 1983, after graduating from the technical school of railway transport in the city of Kyzylorda, my work activity in the railway field had begun. I started as a simple worker and grew up to become a manager, while working in the field of railway transport, I carried out many different tasks, for example: construction of railways and ensurance of safety for train traffic, fulfillment of production plans, budget planning for the enterprise, organization of uninterrupted operation of the enterprise and financial and operational activities. Directly participated in the construction of following railway lines:
– 1983-1993: Aktobe -Turkestan, Nickeltau-Kandyagash, Beineu-Opornaya side tracks;
– 2003-2005: reconstruction of railway line sea port Aktau – Tengizchevroil for passing of bulky cargo from Tengiz oil deposit;
– 2003-2005: Khromtau – Altynsarin;
– 2006-2008: Zhem – Zhanazhol;
– Arkalyk – Shubarkol;
– Zhezkazgan – Saksaul.
Currently I am representing interests of the company within the territory of West Kazakhstan».
What do you think, what opportunities gives the creation of such enterprises as ARBZ for the economy of the country? And in what projects were rails purchased from ARBZ used?
«I am personally glad that this is the first innovative production of such profile, the only one at the territory of Kazakhstan and the entire Eurasian Economic Union is located in Aktobe.
Acceptance of rails is carried out locally and I have the opportunity to be in the territory where such unique products is produced, which has proven itself on implemented projects, such as:
– construction of the second railway lines Almaty-Shu;
– construction of dry port on railway crossing of state border PR China-Kazakhstan Horgos;
– construction of railroad complex “Nurly zhol”;
– construction of ferry complex “Kuryk”;
ARBZ products were used, namely 25 and 100 meter rails when constructing the above objects. When welding long strings up to 800 meter of ARBZ rails, the rails showed better results than those that were used before. Such factor has a good impact on development of national economy.»
What do you think, what are the advantages of ARBZ rails?
“Technological processes are know-how, the production process is unique and the equipment of the Siemens VAI company installed at the plant is an integral part of this technology, the rail rolling mill is working within 24 hours, everything is strictly scheduled. The uniqueness of the Plant is the hardening system, which gives to the rails necessary mechanical properties. Such a hardening system exists in one plant only in China, that products are very well established. ARBZ is currently applying such technology to produce the goods that meet the requirements of international standards”
Looking ahead we would like to know plans and future development of interrelations with ARBZ LLP
«Our company is developing a market for services of the other countries and with this purpose representational office in Moscow, subsidiary enterprises in Belgrade (Serbia), Rome (Italy), Abu Dhabi (UAE) were opened. We are planning to use the products of ARBZ when working in the abovementioned countries, as in the future development of ARBZ it is planned to master 60E1 rails according to European standard. I really hope that development of ARBZ in the future will be closely linked with the development of our company, as strengthening our partnership relations».
Sultanbek Tashkenbai
Deputy Director of West Management
Integra Construction KZ LLP