Aktobe Rail and Section Works is planning to supply 73 thousand tons of products per year

Staring from January 2016 Aktobe Rail and Section Works (Kazakhstan) produced about 55 thousand tons of rails. Till the end of the year supplies shall exceed 73 thousand tons including 5 thousand tons approximately for Uzbek Railways company. In particular, rails produced in Aktobe are actively utilized for construction of train ferry of Kuryk port…

Askar Mamin visited enterprises of Aktobe region

Since the beginning of the year output of industrial products comprised almost 960 billion tenge First Deputy Prime Minister of the RoK Askar Mamin visited Aktobe where he got acquainted with the activity of large enterprises of the region, as reported by correspondent of Kapital.kz – Center of business information. Aktobe Rail and Section Works…

Construction of ARBZ plant had been started in April, 2013. Total cost of project comprised 82,7 billion tenge, up to 70% of the required amount was provided by Development Bank of Kazakhstan. Aktobe Rail and Section Works (ARBZ) has certified out rails in compliance with the Russian state standard (GOST) R51685-2013. Public Affairs Department of…

Our rails are the best!

Aktobe Rail and Section Works (ARBZ) is a unique project implemented under State Program of Accelerated Industrial and Innovative Development and recognized the Best Project in the last year. History The plant has no equivalent in the entire post-Soviet space. The most advanced technologies are  implemented here allowing to produce 120m long rails for the…

From technician to General Director

Please meet Andrey Kuzmin who is General Director of large innovative production Aktobe Rail and Section Works (ARBZ) which was put into operation in the framework of Industrialization Map of the Republic of Kazakhstan and which has no analogues along the whole territory of CIS. To be in control of such unique plant means a…

DBK: From 2017 onwards ARBZ intends to produce rails to be in compliance with the requirements of UIC-60 European standard

Public Relations Department of Development Bank of Kazakhstan JSC informed, “Production of rails of UIC-60 category will allow ARBZ company to make export deliveries to European countries and Arab Emirates.” Aktobe Rail and Section Works LLP (hereinafter – ARBZ) has been put into operation in June, 2016 and its construction was financed by Development Bank…

«The best goods of Kazakhstan»

Media release on participation of Aktobe Rail and Section Works LLP in regional competition “The best goods of Kazakhstan” An exhibition “The best goods of Kazakhstan” has been held on 19th of August 2016 in front of Dina hypermarket. Local entrepreneurs of Aktobe region obtained an opportunity to demonstrate their goods at this competition “The…